Honda Element Tent on Rack Test
I’ve been and Element owner since 2003, when they were first released. I got my hands on an early ‘03 EX crystal black demo. Since then I’ve moved up to a ‘10 EX, also in black. But over the last 15+ years, my uses for the Honda Element have been pretty basic. I enjoyed the look, reliability, cargo room, and 4wd capabilities. It wasn’t until we began working on this rooftop platform rack project that I began to see a whole new future for the Element.
Now many Element enthusiasts over the years have converted their rigs to the Ecamper. I looked into this twice, since I wasliving on the west coast. But both times I defaulted to the same conclusion….TOO MUCH $$$. I might like Element camping, but I didn’t want to spend 7k to find out.
This new rooftop platform rack changes the game for Element campers and outdoor junkies. It cuts the cost of the Ecamper by more than half, (assuming you buy the rack and also a tent). The rack isn’t permanent like the Ecamper is. It can be taken off and transferred to other Elements, so you’re not ‘married’ to your current build. And this rack will hold any rooftop tent on the market (correctly sized for the Element). That means easily upgrading tents over time, plus you can mount other gear like kayaks, snowboards, tools and gas cans when you’re not running a tent.
Once the prototype was built, I had to test it. Watch me drive from Bend OR to Chelan WA, carrying a Freespirit M49 Adventure Series rooftop tent for the first time