Aluminum 311 Adventure Racks for Honda Element
2nd Run of Aluminum 311 Adventure Racks 2.0
Finally, the aluminum 311 Adventure Racks are back in stock. We made the first batch awhile back as a market test and they sold out! You might say, “Well, duh.” But up until this point, the 311 Adventure Rack for the Honda Element had been mostly steel, accept for the wind fairing. But we decided to give people the option of aluminum and now it will be a staple in our line.
Our aluminum 311 Adventure Rack is the same dimensions as the steel version. However, we beefed up the gauges of the side rails and crossbars to be comparable with the strength of the steel. These new Aluminum racks still have our steel base components though. The mounting brackets and foot pads that connect to the side rails and make contact w the roof remain steel for strength. But in this run and all future runs, we double powdered these steel parts, so the rack will perform better in corrosive environments.
We sell these racks for $100 more than the steel version. This is just material costs. Also, cutting aluminum takes more time on the laser cutter. Prices for manufacturing continues to go up with inflation. Shipping to you has also doubled. But for now, we’re eating these costs and not raising our prices anymore. Free Shipping and same prices still in effect.
Thank you for your patience on this second run, and we hope you have some amazing adventures with the 311 Adventure Rack for all Honda Element models!
Aluminum Crossbars powder coated!
Raw aluminum parts formed. Steel brackets seen on top.